MichelChef is an Innovative startUp established in March 2020 by Chef Michele Raccuia. Chef by passion and of Turin origin, he gets back into the game at the age of 35 by combining Passion, Technique and Vision in a project called ALLF
what is MichelChef
Gets the inclusion in a food and wine magazine called "Restaurants and Delicatesse", participates in the cooking show "Chopped Italia" and becomes in 2018 testimonial LAINOX, a large Italian company of professional tools. His idea of cooking completely distorts the approach to Italian tables by creating a format made of such quality in small single portions.
Later he wanted to make all his know-how available by creating a highly innovative project, which provides for the creation of a chain of Italian restaurants all over the world that churn out gourmet dishes thanks to an automated cooking process and without the presence of the Chef.
Our goal remains to be able to export the traditions of Italian cuisine all over the world, always relying on our patent which allows us to preserve aromas and flavors, making the customer's food experience constant.

On March 12, 2020 Chef Michele Raccuia presents himself at the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and in front of a commission, shows his innovation in the kitchen through molecular spherification.
At the end of the presentation, the commission enrolls Michelchef srl in the section of the Chamber dedicated to Innovative StartUps.
what do we do

The Chef inside the production laboratory creates his recipes, which will later be part of the dishes offered. Currently there are over 400 recipes of the Italian culinary tradition.

All dishes are knocked down both positively (+ 4 °) and negatively (-20 °) and packaged in single portions with medium weights ranging from 150g to 200g

We then ship to ALLF-owned or affiliated restaurants

markets and distribution



Currently there are 3 distribution channels. Of these, ONE is direct sales through ALLF restaurants and ALLF express cooking centers and DUE supply channels in B2B channels such as Hotels, Bars, and Restaurants and B2C through our e-commerce channel www.michelchef.shop




An app because the appetite has no time
B2C sales
The catering market is moving more and more towards completeness of service. Today, to be competitive, the business must be developed through delivery and take Away. The premises today are no longer evaluated by the number of seats but by the services offered.

where we are
LABORATORY for food production
45030 Guarda Veneta - Via Eridania Ovest, 65
44020 Masi Torello - Via dell'industria

44033 Riva del Po - P.zza Umberto I, 30